domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Los sietes demonios de la cristiandad

Seven princes of Hell

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The seven princes of Hell are, in Christian demonology tradition, the seven highest demons in Hell.

The seven demon princes can be seen as Hell's equivalent to the Seven Archangels of Heaven.

Often, each demon prince corresponds to one of the seven deadly sins. As with the seven Archangels, a definitive list is hard to find, with different religious traditions and sects offering different names. Often considered an authoritative list, the demon princes according to Peter Binsfield, a Jesuit, written in 1589, are as follows:

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, By Rosemary Guiley, p. 28-29, Facts on File, 2009.
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